Monday, August 26, 2013

አሳዛኝ ዜና !ኢንጂነር ተስፋሁን ጨመዳ ወኅኒ ውስጥ አረፉ

የሽብር ክሥ ተመሥርቶባቸው የዕድሜ ልክ እሥራት የተፈረደባቸው ኢንጂነር ተስፋሁን ጨመዳ ለሰባት ዓመታት እሥር ላይ ከቆዩ በኋላ እዚያው ወኅኒ ውስጥ ማረፋቸውን ቤተሰቦቻቸው ለቪኦኤ ገለፀዋል፡፡

ፖሊስ የሰጠውን ማስረጃ አይተናል ያሉት እስከፍርዱ ድረስ ከይግባኝ በፊት ቆመውላቸው የነበሩት ጠበቃ አቶ ጥላሁን ታደሰ ኢንጂነር ተስፋሁን ያረፉት ባለፈው ዓርብ ሌሊት መሆኑን አመልክተው የፖሊሱ መረጀ እራሣቸውን ማጥፋታቸውን እንደሚጠቁም ጠቁመዋል፡፡

ኢንጂነር ተስፋሁን እራሣቸውን አጥፍተዋል የሚለውን መግለጫ ለማመን እንደሚቸገሩ የሚናገሩት አቶ ጥላሁን ታደሰ ሕክምና እንዲደረግላቸው በተደጋጋሚ ሲጠይቁ እንደነበረና የጠየቁትን አለማግኘታቸውን እንደሚያውቁ፤ ከእህታቸው ጋርም በማግስቱ ለመገናኘት ቀጠሮ ይዘው እንደነበረ ቤተሰብ እንደነገራቸው ገልፀዋል፡፡

Friday, August 23, 2013

መታየት የሚገባው......እውነትም ኢትዮጵያ ብዙ መልካም ሰዎች አሏት ...ትልቅ ተስፋ ነው!

መታየት የሚገባው......እውነትም ኢትዮጵያ ብዙ መልካም ሰዎች አሏት ...ትልቅ ተስፋ ነው!
The Justice System Becoming a Political Tool in Ethiopia

Calls for Reversal of Racially and Politically Motivated Sentences

The Federal High Court of Ethiopia sentenced 21 Oromo Nationals (most of whom are university students) to as much as 2-8 years in prison on 7th August, 2013. The report HRLHA received indicates that all of them have spent about three years pending trials on alleged charges of collaborating with the opposition organization of Oromo Liberation Front with the intention of committing terrorist crimes. According to information obtained by HRLHA through its correspondents, most of the defendants were very young Oromo students picked up at different times from different universities and colleges in the regional state of Oromia and other parts of the country.

The HRLHA has learnt that most of the 21 Oromo defendants did not even have acquaintance of each other, let alone collectively committing terrorist crimes, as they were brought together from different universities in the country and met each other in the jail. According to some legal experts, the fact that the charges were mere fabrications aimed at imposing punishments intended for political intimidations has made it difficult for the accused to defend themselves. However, by blatantly acting as a political tool of the ruling party, the court handed down the guilty verdict on the Oromo nationals without taking into consideration some evidences that the defendants attempted to present to defend themselves against the charges. There are more concerns that particularly five of the twenty one defendants who were charged with additional and separate article (criminal code, article 241,“Attack on the Political or Territorial Integrity of the State”, from the sixteen others might face very harsh punishments.

Although this sentence did not come as asurprise, as it is not the first of its kind, it has enormously added to the accumulation of partiality, injustice and unfairness of the justice system, raising further concerns among the human rights groups, and defenders of justice and equality including the HRLHA.

The twenty one alleged convicts are

No Name Year of sentence University Sex

1Dachassa Wirtu Mosisa Haromaya M

2 Ebissa Ratessa Ambo 8M

3Getu Saketa Finfine (Addis Ababa)M

4Diribsa Damte Jote 8 Finfine(Addis Ababa)M

5Adamu Shiferra 8Finfine (Addis Ababa)M

6Sena Merera 3 Arba Minch M

7Silashi Sori 3 Haromaya M

8Abdisa Gudeta 3 14 Mada Walabu M

9Miressa HYesus 3 Finfine (College student)M

10Abdi Dereje 4 Wallega M

11Deme Zerhun 4 Finfine (College Student) M

12Alemayehu Regassa 3 Hawasa M

13 Shafi Said 3 Jimma M

14 Dagim Bekele 3 Adama M

13 Lami Jirata 4 Teacher (Finfine) M

14 Birhanu Imiru 4 Teacher(Kotobe Coolege) M

15 Alemu Teshome Jirata 3 Journalist (Finfine) M

16 Shashe Said 3_F

17 Getachew Abera 3 Wallaga (Shambu)M

18 Dereje Getu 3-M

19 Jirenya Dessaleg n3_M

20 Lemi Wegga 4 Teacher M

21Alemu Teshome 3_M

Dachassa Wirtu Diribsa Damte Sena Merera

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa calls up on the Ethiopian Government to reverse this unfair verdict and unconditionally release the prisoners. It also calls up on all local, regional, and international activists of justice and human rights defenders to jointly raise their voices against such racial partialities and injustices so that the Ethiopian Government refrain from inappropriately using the justice system as a weapon of punishment and intimidation for political gains

Ogaden and Oromo Refugees At Severe Risk

Ogaden and Oromo Refugees At Severe Risk

The Oromia Support Group (OSG), a non-political organisation, in association with the Oromo Relief Association UK, have released a report which compiles information obtained from Oromo and Ogaden refugees in South Africa in October and November 2012. The report intends to raise awareness of human rights violations in Ethiopia.
Fifty-eight Oromo and two Ogadeni refugees from Ethiopia were interviewed in Johannesburg, Alexandra township and Randfontein, in Guateng province, and in Kinross and Evander, Mpumalanga province, in October and November 2012.The refugees reported serious abuse in Ethiopia and hazardous journeys to South Africa.
The 60 interviewees corroborated previous reports of extraordinarily high rates of torture in places of detention in Ethiopia. 26 (43%) had been tortured – 58% of the men and 26% of the women. Of the 38 who had been detained, 68% reported being tortured. All had been severely beaten. 76% of detained men and 54% of detained women were tortured.
Reported conditions of detention in Ethiopia were atrocious. Torture was routinely practised in military camps, prisons, police stations and unofficial places of detention. Methods included arm-tying (falantis), severe enough to cause nerve damage; flaying of the soles of the feet (bastinado); mock execution; whipping; immersion of the head in water and other forms of asphyxiation; walking and running on gravel, barefoot or on knees; suspension by the wrists or ankles; stress positions; sleep deprivation by flooding cells; drenching and other exposure to cold; electrocution; suspension of weights from genitalia; and castration.
Previous reports of high mortality rates among detainees in military camps, especially Hamaresa in E. Hararge, were corroborated by former detainees. In addition to the many who were killed or died in detention, the interviewees reported 91 killings of family and friends.These included 21 summary executions, some of which were public. Interviewees also reported 18 disappearances, ten of close relatives.
Only two of 13 women former detainees were raped in custody, considerably less than the 50% in previous reports, but this probably reflects the small size of the sampled population. Another interviewee was raped in her home by a government official and then in Kakuma camp, Kenya, by an Ethiopian security agent. Three interviewees reported rape of others in Ethiopia, including the multiple gang-rape of a 14 year-old in the Ogaden, who was strangled to death after ten days by the soldiers who raped her.
Although almost all of the abuses were justified by state actors on the basis of victims’ involvement with the Oromo Liberation Front, only half of the interviewees had ever had any personal or family association with the organisation. Only three were themselves involved after the OLF left government in1992.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

OLF: Indiscriminate Killing of Innocent Peoples is a Crime Against Humanity!

The Oromo Liberation Front has learned the cold blooded massacre of our people by TPLF/EPRDF Federal police on August 3, 2013 in Wabe gafarsa village, Kofale town, West Arsi Zone, Oromia state.
The TPLF/EPRDF federal police massacred at least 25 innocent people and wounded hundreds who were peacefully demonstrating against illegal detention of their Imams / mosque leaders/ without arrest warrant. The wounded were taken to local hospitals. After killing and wounding many people, the TPLF/EPRDF federal police has engaged in indiscriminate arrest of thousands innocent people from surrounding communities/ towns/. We strongly condemn this terrorist act of the TLF/EPRDF regime against our people.
Since it came to power, the TPLF/EPRDF regime targeted for massacre the Oromo people in general and the Arsi Oromo in particular that it perceived a threat to its dictatorial minority regime.

Friday, August 2, 2013

የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ዋሽንግተን ላይ ተሰለፉ

የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ዋሽንግተን ላይ ተሰለፉ

ከዩናይትድ ስቴትስ የተለያዩ አካባቢዎች የተውጣጡ የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ዛሬ በዋይት ሃውስ ቤተመንግሥትና በዩናይትድ ስቴትስ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር መሥሪያ ቤቱ ሰልፎችን አካሄደዋል፡፡

በኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ላይ ያላቸውን ተቃውሞ ያሰሙት ሰልፈኞች ከመልዕክቶቻቸው መካከል

“በምሥራቅ ሐረርጌ እየደረሰ ያለው ግፍ ይቁም፤

በኦሮሞ ምሁራንና ተማሪዎች ላየ እየበረታ ያለው የመብት ረገጣ ይቁም፤ በኦሮሞ ገበሬዎች ላይ እየደረሰ ያለው ከመሬት የማፈናቀል ሥራ ይቁም” የሚሉ ይገኙባቸዋል፡፡
ሰልፉ የተዘጋጀው በኦሮሞ ጥናቶች ማኅበር መሆኑ ታውቋል፡፡